Grandparents of current ECFS students are important members of our community. We are grateful to all our grandparent donors who give back to our students and School through their unconditional support and generosity.

* Deceased

10+Alyson Adler and William Green
5+Jean Alfano
5+Daria Apter
10+Thelma Boozer Baxter ’64
Natalie and Harold Been
Frances Beinecke and Paul Elston
Carol Biondi
Katherine Bradford
DeLease and Hasan Brown
Joyce and Richard Carnovale
Veronica Clark
Zelma Clarke
Tamara and Andy Cohen
Jill and Thomas Cooke
Mary and Michael Cornog
10+Mr. and Mrs. Robert F. Coviello
10+Ronny Diamond
Billie and Arnold Dolin
5+Anne and Vince Drybala
10+Nancy and Martin Edelman
5+Eleanor and Charles Edmondson
10+Jethro Eisenstein ’62 and Stefany Gordon
25+Robert Fagenson ’66
Geraldine Feingold
25+Nancy Fisher ’62 and Marc Kirschner
5+Marilyn Frank
5+Ruth Fraser
Barbara and Mark Friedman
Debbie and Jeffrey Friedman
Catherine and Charles Gates
Delia Gelia
Jane and Joseph Gelsi
Gail and Stephen Goldfarb
Mark Goldsmith and Arlene Goldsmith
Flora Greenberg
Stephanie and Joel Greenberg
5+Rosann and Richard Gutman
Hikari Hathaway and Douglas Cohen
5+Jane Heller Gerard
Nancy and Joel Hirschtritt
20+Barbara and Stanley Hochhauser
Ruth and Sidney Holmes
Ronnie Sheresky Igel ’64
10+Donna and David Irving
5+Jocelyne Janvier and Antoine Bogard
5+Cynthia Jenkins
10+Florence and Steven Kahn
10+Linda Kanner
25+Jill and Myron Kaplan
Marilyn Knight
Patricia Kobetts
Debra and Stanley Kronberg
5+Deanna Kuhn and Noel Capon
10+Maryann and Stephen Leary
Laurie and David Lederman
Nancy Lee
5+Ellen and Russell Lewis
5+Elaine and David Lykens
Kiek van Kempen Manges
Anna Markus
10+Carmen * and William Marrin
5+Michele Mazzola
5+Deborah McFall Schaeffner
Maryann McInerney
Deborah Miller
10+Nan Miller and Malcolm Gordon
Vasanti and Ramesh Mirchandani
Leslie Rubensohn Moore ’64 and Nicholas Moore
20+Alice Morey and Harvey Weinig
Beth and Steven Myers
Carol Newman and Paul Newman
5+Susan and Dr. Michael Newman
5+Lynn and Nick Nicholas
5+Bonnie and Eliot Nierman
15+Sandra and Norman Pessin
5+The Rev. Susan M. Pfeil
10+Helen and Robert Pilkington
Deborah Pines and Tony Schwartz
Nancy and Charles Posternak
Kathleen Rau
10+Barbara Rauch
Barbara Rohdie
5+Karen and Gary Rose
Cora Rubenstein
Maxine and Lester Saft
5+Betty and Paul Schaffer
Scott Schafler ’68 and Pam Schafler
Linda Schapiro
5+Deena Jo Schneider
Susan and Mark Schneider
Hazel Schieber Schultz ’63
5+Robyn and Edward Shafer
Margo Sinclair and Daniel Sinclair
15+Mary Ann and Arthur Siskind
Adele and Robert Sossen
20+Audrey and Jeffrey Spiegel
Frederick Steinke
Jasmine Stivala
5+Sally and Aubrey Strul
Laurie M. Tisch
5+Natalie Tucker
5+Gyr Turshen
5+Carol Opton Vlasto
Leslee Wechsler
15+Mr. and Mrs. Alan G. Weiler
Barbara and Richard Weinberg
5+Susan and Robert Weiser
5+Donald Wells
5+Eva Werbell
5+Monica Westney
Wilmat White
Martha and John Wilcox
Alene Workman
5+Marsha Zidel Bourak and Moshe Bourak

5+, 10+, 15+, 20+, 25+
Throughout this Annual Report, you will find a numeral next to the names of the individuals who have contributed to the Orange Fund for 5+, 10+, 15+, 20+, or 25+ consecutive years.