Bequests, a major source of funding for ECFS, provide a solid foundation for building our School’s endowment and programs. The Felix Adler Circle is the giving society for those who have made a planned gift to the School or have included ECFS in their estate planning and wish to create a lasting legacy. We are grateful to all our donors who bequeathed ECFS in their will.
Anonymous Helen Hirsch Acker ’34 Madelin Alk ’40 Corinne Galinger Alpert ’43 Bert Anger ’38 John Baer ’34 Hortense Koller Becker ’19 and James Becker Ruth Berk Richard Bernheim ’25 Jack Bernstein Margaret Rulon Brown Michael Burgoyne George Carter Marie Cassell Abram Chasins ’21 Marjorie Engel Deamant ’35 Hyman Diamond ’28 Leo Dworsky ’50 Henry Fagin ’31 George Feldman ’15 Janet Munk Fenton ’43 Helen Finkel ’47 Barbara Fish ’38 Barbara Friedberg ’59 Daniel Friedman ’33 Charles Fritz ’35 William Ginsberg Betti Goldwasser ’30 Lawrence Goldwasser ’33 Eleanor Nordlinger Hauser ’43 Halcyon Hayes ’52 Ben Heller ’43 John Howard ’43 Renee Wile Jackson ’36 Herman Jervis ’26 Jeanne Erlanger Jonas ’31 Edith Beck Kates ’41 Herbert Katzki ’25 and Kate Katzki Alexandria Khinoy Kinoy ’26 Patricia Kozma Jane Brill Kugelman ’48 Barbara Sanders Landowne ’41 Louis Landowne Evelyn Schutz Lang ’51 Mildred C. Larson Carol Grinberg Lederer ’36 Elisabeth Curth Lehman ’46
Frances Moskin Leibman ’33 Jane Schaap Leitzer ’35 Arnold Levin ’48 Patricia Levine Janet Goldmuntz Liebowitz ’37 Zilla Hymes Lippmann ’21 Sidney Manster ’24 and Abbie Manster Sydell Bloomfield Markelson ’27 Jeanne Goodman Michael ’29 Clarence Miller ’29 Inez Fischer Miller ’36 Maxine Leff Myers ’53 Frederick Naumburg ’16 Patricia Norman Nicholas Nussbaum ’70 Roger Oresman ’37 Ernest Parchefeld ’19 Edwin Popper ’28 and Eleanor Popper Eleanor Popper Joseph Racioppi ’13 Eleanor Demuth Romberg ’30 Evelyn Rosenthal ’29 Julian Roth ’21 Mildred Swaybill Rothman ’38 Joan Price Rudy ’36 Walter Salant ’29 Agnes Salinger ’23 Ralph Samuel ’33 Ruth Heller Schiffer ’36 Howard Schneiderman ’44 Robert Schwartz Richard Seidman ’36 Diane Serber ’53 Barbara Blickman Seskis ’45 Ann Sheps Barbara Antell Silber-Weinstock ’50 Willys Silvers ’46 Rosalind Schoenfeld Singer ’42 Joan Lahm Sloane ’36 Gloria Spector Sondheim ’42 Philip Straus ’33 Helen Levi Travis ’33 Marianna van Rossen Hoogendyk ’42 Rosalie Mayer Waldes ’31 Helen Lader Weil ’33 Henriette Chamansky Werner ’19 Michael Wertheimer ’44 and Marilyn Wertheimer