Bequests, a major source of funding for ECFS, provide a solid foundation for building our School’s endowment and programs. The Felix Adler Circle is the giving society for those who have made a planned gift to the School or have included ECFS in their estate planning and wish to create a lasting legacy.

† Trustee
* Deceased

Ann Neuberger Aceves ’52
Ruth Acker ’68 and Paul Heller
Judith Allen ’63 and John Allen
Jay Badgley ’49
Caren Heller Barness ’57 *
Jed Bernstein ’73
Jeannie Blaustein and Peter Bokor
Michael Blumenfeld ’51 and Catherine Blumenfeld
Sarah Danzig ’96
Gillian and Robert Eddins
Norma Elias ’64
Naomi Meisels Epstein ’52 and Alan Epstein
Robert Fagenson ’66
Samuel Florman ’42 † *
Hal Freedman ’60 and Willi Rudowsky
Susan Freimark
Kenneth Geist ’54 * and David Kaufman
Edward Gottlieb ’38 *
Susan Greenberg and Robert Shwartz
Richard Haft ’48 and Arlene Haft
Roger Hayes ’61 and Sophia Hayes
Erik Hoffmann ’57 * and Nadezhda Kavrus-Hoffmann
Alice Holzman and Charles Briggs
Robert Hort ’63 and Anne Hort
Jill Rosenberg Jones ’84 and Rufus Jones
Sara Kezer Kimbell ’81 and Wayne Kimbell
Diana Kinoy ’63
Gregory Kisloff ’78
Lawrence Kutner ’70 and Cheryl Olson
Alice Kahn Ladas ’39
Marie Kraeler Lowenstein ’42 *
Paul May
Amy Suskin Meier ’66
Rona Hirsch Mendelsohn ’59 and Allan Mendelsohn
Leslie Wims Morris ’88 and Loren Morris
James Moskin ’79
Paul Nossiter ’48 *
Jo Ann Wolfson Novak ’74
Nancy Gerstein Novogrod ’67 and John Novogrod
Alicia Suskin Ostriker ’55 and Jeremiah Ostriker ’55
Joey Parnes ’73 and Ellen Tattelman
Rhoda Goldstein Rand ’53
Belle Krasne Ribicoff ’42
Nancy Gellman Richards ’75
Robert Rothschild ’35 *
Arthur Sarnoff ’49 * and Joan Sarnoff
Elizabeth Sarnoff Cohen ’79 and Andrew Cohen
Bartlett Saunders ’49 * and Linda Saunders
Michael Sillerman ’64 *
Peter Singer ’70
Susanna Esman Singer ’70
Mr. Donald Sussman †
Alice Teirstein *
Judith Seiler Teller ’59
Amanda-Beth Uhry ’75
Diane Wallach
Jesse Wardlow ’73 and Brid Wardlow
Jacob Weinig ’01
James Whitney ’60
Pearl Zimmerman *
Hiller Zobel ’49
Ellen and Arthur Zuckerman