Bequests, a major source of funding for ECFS, provide a solid foundation for building our School’s endowment and programs. The Felix Adler Circle is the giving society for those who have made a planned gift to the School or have included ECFS in their estate planning and wish to create a lasting legacy.
† Trustee
* Deceased
Anonymous |
Ann Neuberger Aceves ’52 |
Ruth Acker ’68 and Paul Heller |
Judith Allen ’63 and John Allen |
Jay Badgley ’49 |
Caren Heller Barness ’57 * |
Jed Bernstein ’73 |
Jeannie Blaustein and Peter Bokor |
Michael Blumenfeld ’51 and Catherine Blumenfeld |
Sarah Danzig ’96 |
Gillian and Robert Eddins |
Norma Elias ’64 |
Naomi Meisels Epstein ’52 and Alan Epstein |
Robert Fagenson ’66 |
Samuel Florman ’42 † * |
Hal Freedman ’60 and Willi Rudowsky |
Susan Freimark |
Kenneth Geist ’54 * and David Kaufman |
Edward Gottlieb ’38 * |
Susan Greenberg and Robert Shwartz |
Richard Haft ’48 and Arlene Haft |
Roger Hayes ’61 and Sophia Hayes |
Erik Hoffmann ’57 * and Nadezhda Kavrus-Hoffmann |
Alice Holzman and Charles Briggs |
Robert Hort ’63 and Anne Hort |
Jill Rosenberg Jones ’84 and Rufus Jones |
Sara Kezer Kimbell ’81 and Wayne Kimbell |
Diana Kinoy ’63 |
Gregory Kisloff ’78 |
Lawrence Kutner ’70 and Cheryl Olson |
Alice Kahn Ladas ’39 |
Marie Kraeler Lowenstein ’42 * |
Paul May |
Amy Suskin Meier ’66 |
Rona Hirsch Mendelsohn ’59 and Allan Mendelsohn |
Leslie Wims Morris ’88 and Loren Morris |
James Moskin ’79 |
Paul Nossiter ’48 * |
Jo Ann Wolfson Novak ’74 |
Nancy Gerstein Novogrod ’67 and John Novogrod |
Alicia Suskin Ostriker ’55 and Jeremiah Ostriker ’55 |
Joey Parnes ’73 and Ellen Tattelman |
Rhoda Goldstein Rand ’53 |
Belle Krasne Ribicoff ’42 |
Nancy Gellman Richards ’75 |
Robert Rothschild ’35 * |
Arthur Sarnoff ’49 * and Joan Sarnoff |
Elizabeth Sarnoff Cohen ’79 and Andrew Cohen |
Bartlett Saunders ’49 * and Linda Saunders |
Michael Sillerman ’64 * |
Peter Singer ’70 |
Susanna Esman Singer ’70 |
Mr. Donald Sussman † |
Alice Teirstein * |
Judith Seiler Teller ’59 |
Amanda-Beth Uhry ’75 |
Diane Wallach |
Jesse Wardlow ’73 and Brid Wardlow |
Jacob Weinig ’01 |
James Whitney ’60 |
Pearl Zimmerman * |
Hiller Zobel ’49 |
Ellen and Arthur Zuckerman |