Every ECFS graduate has a unique and special relationship with their alma mater. Our global network of more than 10,000 alumni continues to give back and steward the next generation of ethical leaders in the world. We are thankful for every alumni gift, from a recent graduate to someone celebrating their 50th reunion and beyond.

† Trustee
* Deceased


38% participation
Samuel C. Florman † *
25+Walt Glickenhaus *
Barbara Rothschild Michaels
Constance Alter Sussman
25+Belle Krasne Ribicoff


21% participation
30+Joan Sabel Beir
Joan Feldman Kron
10+Michael Lichtenstein
20+Charles Winkelstein


17% participation
30+Vera Cohen Gottlieb
Lois Liff Lapidus


5% participation
Marianne Byk Schnell
Willys Silvers *


14% participation
5+Elizabeth Childs
20+Carl Frieden


17% participation
25+Constance Kaufmann Berman
Barbara Schimmel Byron
Richard Haft
Jane Brill Kugelman *
20+Judith Roedelheimer Pacht


36% participation
Judith Dreitzer Wallach †
Daniel Isaacson
Gerald Klotz
Marjorie Leff Miller
10+Sally Lewis Nathanson
Stephen Rous
James Scheuer *
25+Karel Fierman Wahrsager
20+Helen Shapiro Willoughby
10+Jack Zimmerman
25+Hiller Zobel

5+, 10+, 15+, 20+, 25+
Throughout this Annual Report, you will find a numeral next to the names of the individuals who have contributed to the Orange Fund for 5+, 10+, 15+, 20+, or 25+ consecutive years.