Every ECFS graduate has a unique and special relationship with their alma mater. Our global network of more than 10,000 alumni continues to give back and steward the next generation of ethical leaders in the world. We are thankful for every alumni gift, from a recent graduate to someone celebrating their 50th reunion and beyond.

† Trustee
* Deceased


8% participation
25+Anthony Berner
30+David Grayson
30+Pamela Marcus
Ethan Posner
Andrew Rosner
20+Jonathan Sherman
Beth Strauss
15+Michael Weitz


8% participation
20+Diane Lewis Beres
30+John Beres
5+Darryl Do
25+Robert E. Godosky
10+Alexander Grinberg
Sara Kezer Kimbell
Barbara Morgenthau
Lisa Hauser Pinero
30+Robert Pruzan †
Amanda Silver


4% participation
30+Steven Gavios
Giuliana Robertson
Deborah Schrag
Michael Silber
10+Jonathan Skurnik


10% participation
15+Jennifer Allen
10+Andrea Amiel
15+Lynn Appelbaum
20+Christina Flint Grossman
30+Cynthia Mann Haiken
5+Ross Haime
10+Risa Meyer
15+Michael Morris
15+Hiroko Eshelman Rawald
15+Robin Pollak Reiser
5+Tina Amir Whicker


46% participation
5+Debo Adegbile
Amy Allina
25+Tracy Alpert
Juan Aruego
Amanda Bailey
Lisa Carrasquillo Baitsell
James Bandler
Elena Bennett-Goulet
Mitchell Berman
30+Paul Berman
Julianne Morledge Bertagna
5+Nicholas Bienstock
Michael Birnbaum
Samuel Braverman
Diego Chiarandini
David Davenport
Eric Dennis
Jill Fink Faber
Sheila Goldman
15+Eric Greenberg
Lauren Goodstein Grossman
Evan Hainey
25+Karen Field Hazin
Beth Klein Heffner
Madeline Henley
Dylan Hixon
Clara Kyim
5+Christopher Lenz
Valerae Lewis
Martin Lewison
Alexis Malas
Cindy Friedberg Marvell
Jonathan May
Wayne McLean
Dionisia Morales
Robert Newman
Gregory O’Gara
Nancy Okonkwo Kaspareck
David Pachter
Scott Pellegrino
Deirdre Hannon Ragusa
15+Jonathan Rosand
Gregg Rosenfeld
Ari Rudiakov
David Rudner
William Sahlman
Gregg Gottehrer Salem
15+Daniel Schrag
Douglas Sepler
Jennifer Canavan Sharpsten
15+Kate M. Sherman
Allison Wald Strassberg
Jeffrey Wolf
Keith Yazmir
Robert Ziff


5% participation
30+Jill Schwartztol Caplan
5+Emily Davidson
5+Edward Nelson
10+Jayne Ressler
30+Jill Schwartztol Caplan
15+Mary Stuart


10% participation
15+Jack Amiel
30+Nadine Angress
20+Laurie Baum
15+Leon Dunklin
James Frischling
15+Matthew Gold
10+Jonathan Haber
10+Julie Pomerantz
20+Michael Rauch
15+Jonathan Schapiro
30+Jordan Schlachter
15+Kay Wahrsager


11% participation
Frank Adelman
30+John Caplan ’87
5+Doreen Do
Samantha Gold
15+Cynthia Goodstein-Frazier
5+Benjamin Hort
5+Kermit Perlmutter
5+Gregory Racz
15+Anna Chan Rekate
15+Michael Rothstein
15+Colette Thayer
5+Cara Villency
Lauren Wechsler Horn
20+Gary Wolf


16% participation
10+Dana Baxter †
15+Leslie May Blauner
20+Jon Brandon
Ben Dattner
25+Akinsheye Dorsett †
25+Lauren Ebin
5+Ancil Etienne
15+Heather Colvin Kaufman
15+Scott Landau
Margaret Law
Jenny Lefcourt
Andrew Moger
20+Eric Perlmutter
5+Jason Samuels
Jonathan Schrag
20+Nicole Been Siskind
Evan Specter
Nicole Maurer St. John
Gregory Winter


29% participation
Joseph Appel
Kathleen Siewert Banerjee
20+Natasha Herron Chriss
Daniel Cogan-Drew
5+Charles Guerrero
15+Adam Hemlock
5+Alexa Jervis
William Karlin
Danielle Katz
10+Anne Kauffmann
25+Neal Kaufman
Shersten Killip
25+Alexander Kolevzon
20+Jordan Kramer
Jenny Herdman Lando
Andrew Langer
5+Rebecca Losick
Adrian Anthony McLean
Joseph Mejia
20+Sarah Moore
10+Juliette Mound
Elizabeth Parlee
Tony Pasigan
Teresa Pena-Diaz
Eric Peskin
15+Jeffrey Posternak
Sascha Rand
30+Anthony Rossabi
Alex Ruttenberg
Matthew Schechter
5+Jared Schlossberg
Elizabeth Shapiro
20+Benjamin Terk
15+Alexander Wolfman
Rebecca Zerkin

5+, 10+, 15+, 20+, 25+
Throughout this Annual Report, you will find a numeral next to the names of the individuals who have contributed to the Orange Fund for 5+, 10+, 15+, 20+, or 25+ consecutive years.