Every ECFS graduate has a unique and special relationship with their alma mater. Our global network of more than 10,000 alumni continues to give back and steward the next generation of ethical leaders in the world. We are thankful for every alumni gift, from a recent graduate to someone celebrating their 50th reunion and beyond.

† Trustee
* Deceased


6% participation
Tracy Weinberg Aftergood
10+Susannah Brouwer
5+Michael Schafler
Emily Tisch Sussman
5+Joshua Vlasto †
15+Gillian Warmflash


9% participation
10+Nicholas Arioli
10+Charles Beck
5+Marjorie Cohen
Jonathan Cotton
Charles Forster
Deborah Frankel
10+Barrie Handschu
10+Samantha Ingram
5+Zachary Kahn
10+Sarah Mattingly
Victoria Salim
Allison Silverman
Danielle Spiegel-Feld
Lauren Williams-Russo
5+Daniel Ziluca


11% participation
Jonathan Aghravi
Arielle Amsalem
Deborah Frankel
10+Samantha Ingram
5+Zachary Kahn
10+Juliana McGanney
Rachel Mieszczanski
10+Michael North
Alexia Robinson
10+Benjamin Silver
Danielle Spiegel-Feld
Lauren Williams-Russo
5+Daniel Ziluca


12% participation
Catherine Biggart
5+Carolyn Tisch Sussman Blodgett
Stephanie Bohne
10+Edward Harrington
15+Samantha Miller Kagan
10+Phoebe Lapine
10+Sarah Lederman
15+Leora Kessler Rosenberg
15+Robert Rosenzweig
15+Adam Rothenberg
Jono Schafler
Caitlin Markowitz Smith
5+Cady Susswein
15+Luis Vasquez
15+Jordana Warmflash


29% participation
August Alpern
Ingrid Anid
10+Danielle Dankner
David Ban
15+Reuben Cohen
10+Anna Dubenko
Antoine Gara
10+Phillip Gara
5+Greg Geronemus
Kate Goldman
Danyel Harlem-Siegel
10+Andrew Harrington
5+Elana Karp
Valerie Laleuf
15+Sara Kate Heukerott Lerer
Victoria Libby
Aaron Mieszczanski
Charlotte Myerberg
15+Max Neuman
Jennifer Perry
5+Katherine Pier
Candice Quinlan
5+Hillary Robbie
Fernando Rojas
Johan Sanmartin
Anna Shepard
Damon Silver
Gabrielle Slome
20+Justin Spiegel
10+Ashley Teele
David Terrell
Sophie von Haselberg
10+Daniel Weisberg
Thomas Williams
Ellen Yom


9% participation
15+Marlin Cohen
10+William Cohen
15+Kim Lisle Deveaux
15+Samuel Hamilton
15+Noah Hutton
15+Alexander Levine
10+Katharine Magliocco
Samuel McDougle
Diana Richter
15+Leah Freedman Rosenbaum
Emily Schorr


21% participation
Jeremy Arthur
10+Margaret Bornstein
5+Kaitien Boucher
Gary Chance
15+Samantha Dascher
Javier Diaz
Samuel Egendorf
Zachary Ellis
Ashley Dye Ford
15+Justin Forman
5+Laura Fowkes
Meredith Weintraub
10+David Franzel
15+Joshua Glasser
15+Mollie Sandberg Glasser
10+Aileen Joa
Tunesia Kirkland
5+Jessica Koby
Jonathan Lane
Nicolas Martell
10+Samuel Page
Eric Schultz
Niki Stellings-Hertzberg
10+Lance Taubin †
Harry Zwick


7% participation
Jane Arden
Carola Beeney
15+Joshua Gordon
10+Claire Levy
5+Timothy Maloney
10+Ava Parnes
Nelson Sanchez
10+Samantha Schnell
Stephen Youdeem


11% participation
William Bricker
10+Kenneth Chenault
10+Jeremy Cramer Gibbs
Leah Dreyfuss
5+Richard Falk-Wallace
5+Judith Flumenbaum
15+Rukhsaar Anandani Gregory
Sophia Harris-Dyer
10+Perry Leon
Daniel I. Nathan
10+Ian Page
10+Aaron Rosenberg
Scott Schoninger
William Shapiro


10% participation
5+Ryan Beres
10+David Cummings
Beckylee Dell
10+Jordan Fine
Julia Fowkes
Danielle Fuerth
Jayant Gandhi
15+Peter Gross
15+Elizabeth Landau
David Martin
Evan Okun
Elizabeth Roberts
10+Michael Shindler
10+Rachel Slivken
10+Forest Sonnenfeldt

5+, 10+, 15+, 20+, 25+
Throughout this Annual Report, you will find a numeral next to the names of the individuals who have contributed to the Orange Fund for 5+, 10+, 15+, 20+, or 25+ consecutive years.