Our faculty and staff are the cornerstones of our institution. Employee giving to the Orange Fund demonstrates a dedication and commitment to our students and the ECFS experience that defines our School.

† Trustee

Joseph Algrant †
Molly Alpern
5+Jonathan Alschuler
5+Melissa Alschuler
David Argenzio
15+Mette Baccari
5+John Baglio
5+Sarah Baglio
Isora Bailey Santos
5+Nancy Banks
Thea Barovick ’18
Emily Benitez
10+Vasil Beury
5+Kavita Bordia
Juan Botella
Erinn Boyle
5+Larry Buskey
Alexandra Checkman
5+Lan Cheng
Stephen Chu
20+Paul Church
Felipe Cocco
KC Cohen ’92
5+Melanie Cooper-Leary
10+Robert Cousins
5+Victoria Daley
15+Kim Lisle Deveaux ’05
Abigail Diamond ’95
5+Karen Drohan
5+Vincent Drybala
5+John Dwinell
5+Nancy Dwinell
Elizabeth English
5+Jennifer Erdman
5+Renee Eskow
10+Laura Feinberg-Smith
Gianna Foltz
Maura Furfey
Sharan Gill †
15+Mollie Glasser ’06
5+Sylvia Guzman
25+Benjamin Harris
25+Hilary Harris ’90
5+Courtnay Hull Pareti
5+Gina Iacono
Marjorie Jean-Paul
Emma Johnson
Holly Jones
Les Jonson
5+Jesse Klausz
Abena Koomson-Davis
Jonathan Lambert
Erik Landgren
10+Scott Latzky
10+Cornelia Locher
5+Patricia Matos
5+Joseph McCauley
Jay McKay
Rachel Mieszczanski ’02
5+Robert Montera
5+Bernadette Montgomery
5+Melinda Moore
5+Gia Moreno
5+Clare Mottola
5+Sarah Newton
Robert O’Neill
5+Teddy O’Rourke
15+Gus Ornstein ’94
Kristen Perrone
5+Francesca Pisa
Lillian Polite
Naomi Randolph
Edward Raymond
Keiko Reid
Xiomara Rodriguez
10+Blake Rowe
5+Kirk Ruebenson
Carline Samson †
Yamel Sanchez
Alexa Shikar
5+Joan Singer
10+Carl Smith
Min Young Song †
Annette Stoller
Karen Strock
Beth Trilling
5+Rose Turshen
5+Richard Warfield
Claudia Weber
5+Sarah Wendt
5+Kyle Wilkie-Glass
Nikki Willis ’92
Emily Wright
5+Kaitlin Wright
5+Ying Wu
Kirsten Yannantuono

5+, 10+, 15+, 20+, 25+
Throughout this Annual Report, you will find a numeral next to the names of the individuals who have contributed to the Orange Fund for 5+, 10+, 15+, 20+, or 25+ consecutive years.