73% participation

Orange Fund Volunteers:
Ravina Advani, Nadeige Bogard, Cynthia Daniel, and Princess D. Prince-McCoade

5+Ravina Advani and Aashish Mohan
Rachel Apfel Glass and Jason Glass
Leah Belsky and Timothy Reuter
Pamela and Kevin Berman
5+Nadeige Bogard and Isaiah Lowe
Santa Brito-Abreu and Frankeloy Abreu
Imma Calvo and Victor Herrero
20+Natasha Herron Chriss ’89 and Neil Chriss
5+Sara and Benjamin Cohen
5+Cynthia and Kurt Daniel
Sara Edelman
5+Juliette and Max Freedman
Leslie Fremar and Jordan Lupu
Maura Furfey
Rebecca Glashow and Dean Schaffer
5+Ruth Golan
Claudia Hamilton and Jon Hlafter
10+Erica and Michael Held
5+Natasha and Dean Kuhlkin
Allison Martin
5+Geraldine Mayorga and Matthew Macaluso
5+Dwain and Khadijah Newell
5+Christine Nyereyegona and Elie Mystal
5+Nirvana and Crishna Persaud
Marina Piller and Alex Shterenberg
15+Princess Prince-McCoade and Timothy McCoade
5+Abigail Solomon
Uma Thurman
5+Rose Turshen and Vincent Drybala
Elizabeth and Ketan Vakil
5+Kaitlin and Tikoyo Wright

5+, 10+, 15+, 20+, 25+
Throughout this Annual Report, you will find a numeral next to the names of the individuals who have contributed to the Orange Fund for 5+, 10+, 15+, 20+, or 25+ consecutive years.