100% participation

Anne Bruder-Sharpe and Simon Sharpe
5+Lan Cheng and James Rolle
Helen and Bryan Gant
Randy Slaughter and Tracey Gardner
5+Lauren and Andrew Janian
Suzanne and James Klein
Katy McNeil and Claude Meyer
Keiko and Simon Reid
Stephanie and Freddy Reynoso
Evette Stair-Radlein and Gordon Radlein
5+Meredith Summerville and Benjamin Marcovitz
5+Kyle Wilkie-Glass and Brian Wilkie-Glass
Kirsten and Fred Yannantuono
Laura and Sam Zarn

5+, 10+, 15+, 20+, 25+
Throughout this Annual Report, you will find a numeral next to the names of the individuals who have contributed to the Orange Fund for 5+, 10+, 15+, 20+, or 25+ consecutive years.