Philanthropy often comes with its own set of vocabulary. Here are some of the terms used when talking about philanthropic giving at ECFS.

Capital campaign

A major fundraising campaign conducted over several years. A capital campaign raises substantial funds to finance major endeavors such as construction, renovation, or financial aid. The Advancing our Mission Capital Campaign concluded in the 2021 fiscal year.

Commemorative gifts

Gifts to ECFS can be made in memory of or in tribute to another person. Notification of these gifts is sent to the individual or family whose gift is named in their honor


A permanent fund that is invested to produce income. An endowed gift supports academic programs or financial aid in perpetuity. The principle of each endowed gift is preserved while the earnings benefit current students, faculty, staff, and programs.

Form VI Gift

Traditionally given to ECFS by parents and guardians in honor of their children in the graduating class, these gifts are split between the annual fund and a selected fund, such as financial aid.

Gifts in kind

Non-monetary gifts which would otherwise have to be purchased by the School. These donations must be pre-approved by the division heads or by the Advancement Office.

Matching gifts

Matching gifts help to multiply the impact of money raised by matching the donation with an equal gift made by corporations, foundations, or individuals. We receive approximately $150,000 in matching gifts annually to ECFS. Please check with your employer to see if your company participates.

Named funds

Alumni, parents, guardians, and friends can establish named funds to express their support of ECFS’s academic excellence or in support of a specific department, program, or purchase. Such funds are often created in honor of one’s family name, a relative, or a beloved ECFS teacher or administrator.

Orange Fund

The Orange Fund is ECFS’s annual fundraising drive which supports the current year’s budget. It helps fund every aspect of ECFS’s operations: financial aid, facility maintenance, technology and library acquisitions, extracurricular programming, faculty and staff salaries, and health and safety. The Orange Fund helps bridge the up-to-10% gap between income from tuition and the actual cost of educating each student and running the School. We ask all parents, guardians, faculty, staff, alumni, and friends to support this fund.


A measure, usually expressed in percentages, of how many donors in a specific group have made gifts. At ECFS, we strive for 100% participation in the Orange Fund.


The donation of time, skill, or money to support an institution or cause. At ECFS, we value and appreciate all the ways people give their time, talent, and treasure to support our School.

Planned gifts

A vehicle for making gifts to ECFS as part of estate planning. Naming our School as a beneficiary in your will, retirement plan, IRA, or life insurance policy creates a legacy for you and your loved ones, while impacting our students now and into the future.

Programmatic gifts

Gifts directed to support programs essential to ECFS, including enrichment programs, arts programs, community services, tutoring, and financial aid.